Wild Joker Casino, established in 2018, primarily serves the Australian market. This online casino operates without a valid gaming license, which raises some concerns. The Wild Joker casino review reveals that it offers over 300 games from various software providers. Wild Joker Casino Australia accepts several payment methods, including cryptocurrencies.
Key facts about Wild Joker Casino:
- Unlicensed operation
- Target audience: Australian players
- Game selection: slots, table games, video poker
- Payment options: Visa, Mastercard, Bitcoin, bank transfers
- Minimum deposit: AU$20
- Customer support: 24/7 live chat available
Game Selection at Wild Joker Casino
Wild Joker Casino offers over 300 games from RealTime Gaming and SpinLogic Gaming. This Wild Joker casino review found a diverse array of titles, including slots, table games, and video poker variations.
RealTime Gaming provides smooth gameplay and vivid graphics, while SpinLogic adds unique options like Tarot Destiny. Popular games include Witches Brew, a Wild West-themed slot.
Blackjack enthusiasts can enjoy single and multi-hand versions, plus specialty variants like Suit’Em Up. Video poker fans will find classics such as Deuces Wild and Louisiana Double.
Most games offer a demo mode for risk-free play. However, some newer slots may only be available for real money wagers.
Game Category | Number of Games | Popular/Exclusive Titles |
Slots | 200+ | Witches Brew, Tarot Destiny |
Table Games | 40+ | Suit’Em Up Blackjack |
Video Poker | 20+ | Deuces Wild, Louisiana Double |
Bonuses and Promotions Offered
Wild Joker Casino offers various bonuses and promotions. The casino provides welcome bonuses, reload bonuses and ongoing offers. Players should note that Wild Joker Casino operates without a license. It’s important to read the full terms and conditions before claiming any promotions.
Promotion Type | Bonus Amount | Wagering Requirement | Eligibility |
Welcome Bonus | 200% up to AU$2000 | 30x | New players |
Reload Bonus | 100% up to AU$1000 | 25x | Existing players |
Free Spins | 50 free spins | 20x | Weekly offer |
Payment Methods and Withdrawal Policies
At this casino, you’ll find a range of banking options. They accept 12 different deposit methods, including Visa, Mastercard, Bitcoin, and bank transfers. The minimum deposit is AU$20. For withdrawals, only bank transfers are available. There’s a weekly limit of AU$10,000 and a monthly cap of AU$40,000 on cashouts. Be aware that withdrawals typically take 5-8 business days to process.
It’s wise to plan your banking strategy in advance. While bank transfers may be slower, they allow for larger payouts compared to some other casinos. Understanding these banking policies will help you manage your funds more effectively while enjoying the games on offer.
Available Payment Options
Wild Joker Casino offers various payment methods for deposits and withdrawals. The wild joker casino payment methods include credit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies. Popular options for Australian players are Visa, Mastercard, Neosurf, and Bitcoin. Deposits are processed instantly for most methods, with no fees charged. The casino supports Australian Dollars (AUD).
Method | Minimum Deposit | Maximum Deposit | Processing Time |
Visa/Mastercard | AU$20 | Not specified | Instant |
Neosurf | AU$20 | Not specified | Instant |
Bitcoin | AU$20 | Not specified | Instant |
Bank Transfer | AU$20 | Not specified | 3-5 business days |
Withdrawals are processed via bank transfer, with a weekly limit of AU$10,000 and a monthly limit of AU$40,000. Processing time for withdrawals is typically 5-8 business days.
Withdrawal Process and Timeframes
Players at Wild Joker Casino Australia can cash out their winnings easily. The process involves logging in, selecting the payout option, and entering the desired amount.
Method | Minimum | Maximum | Processing Time | Fees |
Bank Transfer | $20 | $5000 | 5-8 business days | None |
The weekly withdrawal limit is $10,000, while the monthly limit is $40,000. Identity verification is required for the first withdrawal. Inactive accounts may lose funds after 6-12 months.
Customer Support Options
Wild Joker Casino support offers several ways for players to get assistance. The following options are available:
- Live chat support is accessible 24/7
- Email support with a typical response time of 24-48 hours
- Phone support is available during business hours (9 AM – 5 PM AEST)
- The FAQ section on the website for common queries
- Support provided in English language only
Mobile Compatibility
Wild Joker Casino offers mobile gaming through a responsive website. Players can access over 300 games on iOS, Android, and Windows devices without downloading an app. The mobile site features slots, blackjack, baccarat, and keno from RealTime Gaming and SpinLogic. While the game selection is slightly smaller than the desktop version, it still provides ample options for on-the-go play. The mobile cashier and account settings allow for easy banking and promotion checks, showcasing key Wild Joker casino features.
Important Considerations for Players
Before diving into online gaming, it’s crucial to weigh several factors. First, check the casino’s licensing status to ensure it’s legitimate. Next, carefully read through the terms and conditions to understand your rights and obligations.
Pay close attention to security measures, especially SSL encryption, which protects your personal and financial information. Look into the available payment methods, noting any limitations on withdrawals.
It’s also wise to:
- Research the casino’s reputation among players
- Verify the fairness of games through independent audits
- Understand the bonus terms and wagering requirements
- Set personal limits for time and money spent on gaming
Registration Process
The Wild Joker Casino login process starts with visiting their website. Users must find the registration button and complete the following steps:
- Click “Sign Up” to open the registration form
- Enter personal details (name, email, phone, address)
- Create a username and password for Wild Joker Casino login
- Verify the account via email or ID submission
- Access the Wild Joker Casino login page with new credentials